Saturday, May 02, 2020

Leading Causes of Death in America According to the CDC

With the Coronavirus running amuck amongst us the topic of death and dying certainly raises its ugly head.  So when I saw this article about what the leading causes of death are in America, it got my attention.  I'm sharing my thoughts and the links to the data below.  It's interesting reading.

People in America die every day.  None of us are exempt from this final event in our lives.

But you might ask what are the most common ways we die?

The CDC (Center for Disease Control) actually keeps a tally, and it is both interesting and informative.

The CDC’s version is somewhat dry because it mostly involves numbers.  But in typical fashion, someone at CBS with an entrepreneurial spirit outside the agency saw an opportunity in the data.  By merging the data with their own input they could tap into the curious reader’s mouse clicks, thus adding a bit of advertising revenue to their coffers.  Brilliant!

Even so, theirs is easily read and you can see names and a brief account of actual people who succumbed from each cause of death. 

It’s interesting reading either way.

CDC’s Statistical Data

CDC’s Statistical Data With Names of Familiar Victims

I survived more than a few of these causes, including the Number 1 reason people die in America.

You will likely see some familiar reasons as well as some surprises.

You’re welcome.

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