Sunday, January 27, 2019

A Truly Wonderful Day

I just had to share this joyous moment.

For at least three years, when I wanted to see what the time was on my stereo receiver for the TV, I had to get up real close (about 3 ‘) and bend over to see the blue ¾” tall numbers on the device.  Even then, it wasn’t very clear.  Here’s what it looked like from that angle.

It was usually easier to verbally ask Alexa (my Amazon home info device) what time it was.

This morning, this is where I could stand and read the numbers clearly.

I think I will be happy all day.  Probably tomorrow too.  In fact, lots of tomorrows.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Cataract Surgery Follow-up

Wow!  Things are so bright and clear!  I can see for miles and even see the small letters on my computer screen.  And that's with just one eye.  I'm thrilled, not to mention relieved.

Yes, the surgery to remove my cataract was a success.  But there were some issues that only showed up during surgery.  Namely, astigmatism.  Because of it being a major factor, I had to have a toric lens instead of the regular lens.  Pretty routine, especially in my situation with lots of scar tissue from the RK surgery a quarter century ago.

And the additional $800 made a deep dent in my wallet.  But it was worth it.

My follow-up visit to my ophthalmologist the next morning was great.  I could read the 20/25 line and a couple of letters on the 20/20 line.  He said my vision would be even better after the swelling goes down.  I can't even imagine what 20/20 vision is going to be like.  But I'm sure looking forward to it.  Maybe I won't be so nervous about driving now that I can actually see the road LOL...

The only problem was some pressure in the eyeball itself.  Very common, he said.  But it was giving me one heck of a headache.  He put some drops in to lower the pressure and the headache started to go away almost immediately.  I'm to take the drops for a few more days and return next week for a pressure check.  My headache is gone, so I'm not worried.

I was pretty sure that by choosing 'distant vision' as opposed to 'close vision' I would have to wear glasses to read.  Imagine my surprise when I sat down at the computer late the second day and I could read the small print on the screen of my laptop.  It's even easier on my desktop computer.

Now I can focus on my diet.  I gained two pounds celebrating my successful surgery.  Got that to lose, plus ten more pounds before I brag about my success at dieting.

Right now I'm one happy guy...

Friday, January 04, 2019

Cataract Surgery

I've had problems with my vision all  my life.  I think I got it from my Mom.  She had vision problems too.

Although it has been mostly a costly nuisance, the worst thing was when I lost my vision in my right eye due to staph immediately after surgery to implant a 'Crystal Lens' to supposedly 'give me crystal clear vision the rest of my life.' 

This is what I looked like right after the surgery in 2005.

Now 14 years later I'm about to go to surgery again.  And I'm reminded that although rare, there could be complications.  With only one good eye that has a worsening cataract, I hope I'm not the 1 in 10,000 who has complications.  Especially if it results in the loss of my vision altogether. 

My ophthalmologist assures me that he fully understands and appreciates my nervousness, but that he expects no problems. 

Yesterday I was measured for the proper size lens to replace my bad one.  That was easy.

My surgery will be on January 22nd with a routine follow-up/checkup visit the following morning. 

Then drops in the eye for three weeks.

That's assuming all goes well.

As they say, "We'll see."

Wednesday, January 02, 2019

2019 Has a Nice Ring to It

We're already near the end of day 2 of the new year.  Time flies....

So far, here's what 2019 looks like.

That's good for now.  We'll dress it up a little better after we get used to it.  But so far, so good.

Not much on the agenda yet.

Well, there's that long-postponed cataract surgery on my good eye.  I get measured for the lens tomorrow.  The actual surgery will be sometime later this month.  I'm a little nervous because of my last experience with eye surgery.  I've only got one to lose.  Should I become the '1' in 10,000 again, finding a 'dark place' to take a nap won't be hard.  And I'll be pretty upset.

We've pretty much got our Christmas decorations put away.  The last thing is the 9' artificial tree.  We plan to bag it up, lights and all, and roll it to the garage elevator and into the attic.  If it goes as planned, putting up the Christmas Tree will be as simple as riding an elevator. 

It's Judy's idea, and it goes back to the 1980's.  She even wants a Christmas Tree Closet to be designed into all houses and apartments.  Yes, totally dedicated to the Christmas Tree.  But if someone doesn't want an artificial tree, they can use the closet to store the ornaments.  She's got it all figured out.  Now lets see if it works.  Here are some photos showing the 9' tree going into the attic.

It worked!

We've lived here in Terra Mariae for 13 months.  And we've taking a real liking to it and the residents here.  They are friendly and comfortable to be around.  That's what we were looking for when we moved here from Texas.  They can't run us off now.  This is 'Home.'

Happy New Year