Friday, January 04, 2019

Cataract Surgery

I've had problems with my vision all  my life.  I think I got it from my Mom.  She had vision problems too.

Although it has been mostly a costly nuisance, the worst thing was when I lost my vision in my right eye due to staph immediately after surgery to implant a 'Crystal Lens' to supposedly 'give me crystal clear vision the rest of my life.' 

This is what I looked like right after the surgery in 2005.

Now 14 years later I'm about to go to surgery again.  And I'm reminded that although rare, there could be complications.  With only one good eye that has a worsening cataract, I hope I'm not the 1 in 10,000 who has complications.  Especially if it results in the loss of my vision altogether. 

My ophthalmologist assures me that he fully understands and appreciates my nervousness, but that he expects no problems. 

Yesterday I was measured for the proper size lens to replace my bad one.  That was easy.

My surgery will be on January 22nd with a routine follow-up/checkup visit the following morning. 

Then drops in the eye for three weeks.

That's assuming all goes well.

As they say, "We'll see."

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