That being said, the DNA in me that regulates 'patience' is becoming a bit frayed from having to defend myself from COVIDE-19 exposure at every level, including in my own home.
Meanwhile, the government is compounding the issue with politically and stupidally (to coin a phrase) bad and confusing leadership. But I've learned to ignore them in favor of common sense - avoid being around people or things, and washing my hands many times a day.
But, May 8th was a long-scheduled birthday party for my sister-in-law and me (we both celebrate the same birthday together for over 45 years). Only this time it would have to be very low key and brief.

So we decided to have a Birthday Lunch at our house for just the four of us - her Sweetie and my Sweetie. No other family, friends, or neighbors.
We kept our distance as best we could and had a great time.
I actually made a brief video of it.
Joyce and Leroy's Birthday
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