Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Sad News About a Friend - Blair T. Hill

We just learned that a long-time friend and fellow Egghead died in a fire at his home in Fort Myers, Florida on 4-27-20. He was unable to get out and perished in the fire. A neighbor heard him call for help but the fire was too hot to get inside to help him.

Blair "Gator Bait" Hill was quite a character long before we met him through the Egghead Forum. Years later we finally got to meet him in person at one of the Florida Mini Eggfests held in Melbourne.
He was always cheerful and upbeat in spite of many life-long medical problems, the latest being the loss of his leg. Even so, he was determined to get back on his recumbent bike and kayak. Both were custom-built to his specifications. But the loss of the leg made that dream impossible. Even so, he kept the dream alive.
He was also an excellent photographer and enjoyed taking photos of the many species of birds in the area and on Sanibel Island. I even assembled a YouTube slide presentation of the photos he shared on the Egghead Forum. He was thrilled that others could then enjoy the birds as much as he did.
But it was the Big Green Egg that brought us together. He was obviously a great cook and frequently shared recipes with other Eggheads via the Egghead Forum. And even though his strict diet prevented him from eating the foods I cook, he enjoyed me telling him about them.
Needless to say, his death will leave a hole in our hearts.
Goodbye Blair... It has been a pleasure knowing you.

TV News: Man Dies in Fire

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