Saturday, July 06, 2019

That's Something About Chickens

That's Something About Chickens

Early in our adoption of a Big Green Egg as our preferred method of cooking, we dubbed ourselves "Spring Chicken" and "Spring Hen" among our Egghead Friends. That was in 1999.

As we became better and further known, we built an outdoor kitchen, which we called the "Chicken Coop." It sat promately on our little 1/4 acres in Spring, Texas USA which we called The Chicken Ranch, aptly named after the famed "Chicken Ranch" in LaGrange, Texas. Yes, the very real place that was immortalized in the movie, "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" with Burt Reynolds and Dolly Parton.

Here we are standing in front of our Chicken Coop.

Meanwhile, both our enthusiasm for the worldwide Big Green Egg community grew and our collection of Big Green Eggs went from one to as many as six.

In order to carry on the 'Chicken Ranch' theme, we named our growing collection of Big Green Eggs girl's names. There was Lily Large, Shirley Small, Maggie Mini, Lola Large, Lula Large and Mini-Maxine.

And when any one or all of the "girls" were cooking something, we boasted that they were "working." And we would display a red light over the Coop's entrance.

The story made it to CNN.…/LIVING/…/09/eggheads.irpt/index.html…

We have since moved on and now live in Louisiana. Naturally, we had to have another "Chicken Coop" so we built one and use it almost daily. No, there's no red light over the door.

But the purpose of this post is highlight the role chickens have played for thousands of years all across the world.

This short history lesson should help you to see why and how chickens became so popular. It's worth a watch. Enjoy...

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