Saturday, July 13, 2019

Hurricane Barry And I'm Cooking Ribs

We're in Hurricane Barry's slow, very wide meandering path, but after two days the worst of it is about a hundred miles west of us.  We're just getting some rain.  Even so, there are areas close to us that are flooded or close to being flooded from Barry's rain.

Fortunately, there have been no reports of strong winds or tornado's near us, so we have pretty much determined that we are safe.  No matter, we were not going anywhere anyway until Barry is no longer a threat.  Besides, most businesses closed so their employees could prepare for the worst while hoping for the best.

So what do we do when a storm just misses us?  We cook.  I had some ribs that I wanted to smoke, and Judy wanted to make a big pot of beans with smoked sausage and ham-hocks.  Good timing.  We will have ribs and maybe some beans for dinner tonight.

I suppose you could say we squeaked by another destructive weather event while getting some much needed rain.  I should be able to attend my third week of rehab next week without a hurricane threat.

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