Saturday, June 29, 2019

Recovery Now Includes Rehab

Today is the 46th day after my open heart surgery.  A lot has happened during that period, a lot of it very painful.  And all of it necessary.

But all the treatments and medications are paying off.  I'm not there yet but 'normal' seems to be a reasonable goal.  I feel pretty good.

Yesterday I visited with the nice people at Lakeshore Regional Medical Center's Rehab Center so they could evaluate my readiness for rehab.  I passed and now I'm scheduled to start first thing Monday, July 1st at 7:00 am.  I'm up for it and eager to get started on the 12 week course.

I selected 7:00 am because I'm an earlier riser, and there will probably be less traffic and people around that time of morning. It's only about 20 minutes from home and takes about an hour each day.

My Sweetie can sleep in on those days.  She's earned it.

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