Chief George McMillan of Finlaystone, Scotland, the leader of all MacMillans (any of 200 various spellings) worldwide was there. Not only was he a storehouse of information but he was genuinely warm and personable, charming and delighted to help kick off the Texas chapter of Clan MacMillan.
He and I hit it off early, probably because he looks remarkably like my Dad. They could easily pass for brothers, if not twins. Even certain mannerisms were the same. I suppose it could be a coincidence but I'm thinking there is a connection somewhere back a few hundred years. He invited us to Finlaystone Castle if we are ever in Scotland. We hope to take him up on the offer.
One of the topics we discussed at length at the Gathering is how important it is to identify which family tree you belong. One of the best and fastest methods is to make use of DNA Genealogy testing. Naturally I wanted good information as fast as possible so I sent away for the 67 Marker Kit. The goal is to match as many of my markers to others in the extensive database. It's doubtful that I would ever make a perfect 67 match but the more matches there are the closer I am to confirming my family tree. I will have the results in a few weeks.
In addition to doing the DNA test, I also authorized my data to be shared over the Internet so that McMillins (any spelling) around the world can see if I'm that missing link they have been searching for. Of course I will be doing the same with their data. This is going to be very interesting to say the least.
Meanwhile, I spoke to my uncle, Charlie McMillin, and learned that he has done some genealogy research over the years and he will be sending the data to me. The only thing he could tell me over the telephone is that my Great Grandfather, Mike McMillin, and his wife, Hulda Ann Finlay, came to America from Ireland via New York, to escape the potato famine in the mid 1800's. How they ended up in Catahoula Parish, Louisiana is a mystery at this time but the data may shed some light on what happened between New York and Louisiana.
I also registered with the Genealogy Forum, an on-line genealogy search and discussion forum for those seeking and sharing information. I've already posted an inquiry for any information about the McMillins of Catahoula Parish, Louisiana. You can check out the McMillin Family Genealogy Forum at: The first thing you will notice is that there are a lot of us searching for information. Hopefully, someone will see my message and come forward with important information.
So, there you are. The wheels are 'a turning and hopefully will produce some information in the very near future.
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