Monday, February 10, 2020

My Elevator Just Got An Up-Lifting Workover

As some of you know, I have an elevator in my garage.  I designed it myself and purchased all the components.  My nephew and brother-in-law put it in for me.  Took 'em just two days.

It has been a life-saver.  I can't imagine being without it when I need to store something in the attic or retrieve it whenever I need it.

But even well-designed elevators are subject to wear and tear.  After only a few months I had to replace the electric hoist for some reason.  I think it was a cable problem.  But Harbor Freight gave me another one because I had purchased a 2-year extended warranty. 

I installed the new hoist and all was well again.  Until we noticed a popping sound coming from the hoist.  I took it down over the weekend and returned it to Harbor Freight.  They gave me a new one.  And this one was a later model with increased lift capacity (1,320 pounds).  I didn't need the extra power but I'm happy to have it.

I installed it and hit the up button.  The motor maid a very high pitched grinding-like sound.  I knew that wasn't right so I took it down and called Harbor Freight.  They didn't have another one at the Covington store.  So I called the Hammond store.  They didn't have one either.  So I called the Slidell store and they had two and both were the new models with increased lift capacity.

And off to Slidell where we got stuck in two Marci Gras parades.  So it took a while to get back home.  After a few struggles, a couple of which resulted in some minor blood-letting, I got it installed.  But I didn't have the energy or patience to splice in the remote control extender.

But as of this afternoon, I'm happy to report that it is back in operation and has already come in handy three times. 

I may make a new video of it in operation one of these days but if you're curious to see what I'm talking about, here's the construction video from two years.ago.

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