Thursday, April 11, 2019

Multiple Surgeries On The Calendar

We spent almost two hours with my new heart surgeon today.

Good news and bad news!  Wait!!!  There is no good news!  Unless you figure the statistical odds of something going wrong is less than 1 in 500.  That’s not much.

There were three people in the waiting room this morning on what was described as a ‘slow day.’  They see patients 5 days a week.  That probably means they have seen an average of about 25 patients a week since January 1st (about 14 weeks).  That would make it about 375 patients. 

Breaking the odds down from 1 in 500 to 1 in 375 means (assuming I know what the hell I’m calculating) the odds are 2.6 in 375 of something going wrong with my upcoming surgeries(s).

Yes, ‘Surgeries.’  All serious, and all life-threatening unless fixed.

Here’s what my blockages look like.

The first surgery is Tuesday of next week to repair my Carotid Artery.  I go to the hospital tomorrow for the ‘pre-op’ stuff.  Probably just some blood work and legal forms.  It was determined that my Carotid Artery has upwards of a 75% blockage.  It needs to be fixed first.

The week after the carotid artery surgery I’m to be scheduled for open heart surgery to repair five blockages ranging from 80% to 90%.  That should keep me alive and ticking for awhile.

Then, they will determine when I should return for aortic valve replacement.  But it should be done within two years.

He was complimentary of my being in good shape, my heart being strong, and he was blown away surprised that I was still able to lift 100 pound stones during landscaping projects.  He even said he liked my shoes and wanted to know how I kept them looking so well.  (Mineral Oil).

I asked him if changing my lifestyle would help slow the blockage build-up, and he looked at me oddly before saying “no.”  Judy thinks the odd look was because he is fixing me back to 100%.  And it took 78 years to get to this point in my health.  It’s not likely that I can attain this level of blockage again before I die of old age. 

So in celebration we went to a favorite high-calorie restaurant, Abita Café in Abita Springs, and had some high-calorie lunch.  And I may have a Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla and Fireball Bourbon Float for dessert later today.  Hey!  If I’m gonna live, I’m gonna live good… Know what I mean Vern?

Now you know the latest.  

I may have that Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream and Fireball Float now.  Seems like as good a time as any.

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