Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Christmas 2015 is in the Books

Once again, we traveled to New Orleans, this time for Christmas and birthdays.  We left on Wednesday, hoping to be one day ahead of the traffic.  It worked and we made it all the way to the base of the Baton Rouge bridge before we came to stop/go/stop/go traffic.  We inched our way over to the other side and was back at freeway speeds all the way to the exit for our hotel on Williams Boulevard.  The girl behind the desk remembered us and moved us up to a higher floor.  At least being on the top floor we wouldn't have people stomping around overhead all night.

A few minutes later we were at Joyce and Allen's house and he Christmas celebrations began.

Yes, there were gifts and thank-you's galore, and way too much food that somehow got eaten anyway.

We also go to see our extended family on Christmas day when we all met at Michele and David's house for food and frolic.  Michelle's family is very large and I think all were there.  More gifts, of course.

We ate a lot, then some more, and kept eating until late Sunday when we finally relaxed in our hotel a few hours before heading out just minutes after a really strong storm blew through the city.  Six hours later we were safely home and very tired.

As of today we are back on our diets and hope to end 2015 with some pounds lost.  Looking good so far.

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