The title suggests that I'm walking on banana peels, but this time it's just a simple, "look-see" called a 'veinogram' to check the veins in my legs for narrowing or blockages. It's done in-house by my cardiologist and we should be home in time for dinner.
He is obviously taking no chances with my health. I like that in a doctor.
I just saw him last week and I'm fine. My numbers are good, but he took the opportunity to offer some encouragement for me to sit further back from my plate. I took the suggestion seriously and I'm happy to say I've already lost 10 pounds since last week.
The only thing I can't seem to get fixed is my vision. I never know if it will be a good day or not-so-good day vision-wise until I'm up and about for an hour or so. To be safe, I still don't drive. And if I have to go to my grave without ever driving again, so be it. I'll play on my big screen computer until I can't see it and then wait for "The End."
Meanwhile, I will keep trying to cook things I don't know how to cook, or maybe paint something I can't see. I wish I had learned to play the guitar or piano. But if I can't make music, I can sure listen to it. Some would consider me lucky to be able to do that...