Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Glaucoma - Not Good


Two weeks ago my ophtlhalmologist performed a laser procedure to remove any cloudiness on the surface of my eye's lens.  There really wasn't much there, but it was pretty much a last ditch effort to improve my vision in my only good eye.  

I just left the doctor's office where he checked and re-checked to see if there was any improvement in my vision.  There wasn't, and that pretty much concludes all efforts short of risky surgery to return my vision to what I need to operate power tools or drive a car safely.

He said I can increase my use of artificial tears and wear whichever glasses seem to work best on any particular day, but that's about it.

It was disappointing news, to say the least.

The good news is that I do have vision.  I can see to use a computer, communicate via the Internet, and even write that book I was always going to write.  And Judy has done well taking over the driving duties wherever we need to go.  We're just limited on where we go.

Given that my woodworking hobby is probably something I should avoid, I think that perhaps I can take up painting.  I've got an easel, brushes, paint, canvas, and imagination.  Perhaps there is also an unbridled talent for painting that never got its chance to be discovered.  It's certainly worth trying if I have any hope of staying busy for the rest of my life.

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