Wednesday, January 26, 2022

26 Days into 2022 - So far, So good

First of all, I don't care for the 'New Normal'  brought about by COVID-19. And I'm pretty sure we will never get back to the 'Old Normal.'

I suppose few people do like it, but it is what it is, and until this pandemic is over we're stuck with it. 

Meanwhile, some people are much better off than others.  And a whole bunch of people are unnecessarily dead because they refused to get vaccinated for COVID and its many variants. Sadly, let's not forget that a few who got the recommended vaccinations but they still died.  My guess is that some of those may have felt the vaccinations made them immune, or at least better protected by having the shots, so they didn't apply all the other suggested precautions. 

Judy and I followed the science and got all of the recommended shots as soon as were could.  But we also avoided crowded places as best we could, wore our masks when we thought we should, washed our hands as often as we could, and we are alive and well.  I'm sure some of those who died would have made wiser choices if they could do it again. 

Secondly, my two-year glaucoma problem is finally getting noticeably better each day.  But I now need glasses to do some things, and I still can't see well enough to feel comfortable driving.  Judy has taken over that role and I'm appreciative for her doing it.  I've even gotten to where I don't cringe nearly as much as I did at first.

Because I'm reluctant to do much woodworking due to the danger of power tools, I've spent most of my time writing stories for my old hometown newspaper, the Catahoula News - Booster, based in Catahoula Parish Louisiana.  

Most of the stories are based upon what I remember from during WWII until I was a curious fifteen-year-old.  For some reason, that period in my life is easy to recall.  I don't get paid for the stories but I do enjoy writing and sharing them.  You can read them by clicking on the links to the right.

Finally, my weight was getting a little out of control so I (we) went on a diet on January first, 2022.  I've since lost twelve pounds and feel better for it. But I also got my Total Gym and dumbbell weights down from the attic and started using it every day it's warm enough in the garage to work out.  I actually feel good doing the exercises.

With just over three months before I turn 81, I think I'm doing quite well considering all that is going on that I can't do anything about.

That's good enough for this life.

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