Tuesday, December 08, 2020

COVID Update

Like everyone else in the world, we're ready for our Anti-COVID vaccinations.   And since we're in the high-risk (old age) group, we hope to be in the first wave of those receiving word to 'come get it.'

Meanwhile, Sweetie and I have been trying hard to stay away from crowds (larger than 1 or 2 people), wearing our masks when away from our house, washing our hands frequently, and just being mindful of our surroundings no matter where we are.  It has worked so far but LOTS of people are dying every day, some of whom were doing the same thing as us before they contracted COVID.  


Even so, there was one large-gathering event that we just didn't want to miss - the annual Terra Mariae Christmas Luncheon at Keith Young's Steak House.   

A lot of thought went into planning it and, so far, that planning seems to have paid off.  We had a good crowd, yet small enough that we could have some extra breathing room if we felt the least bit uncomfortable.  

The result was a delightful gathering and delicious meal with our neighbors and friends, something we all needed.

I made a video if you would like to see what I'm talking about.  

Then we all returned to our routines of self-preservation, mostly through isolation, caution, and bewilderment that we wait patiently for it to end.

So far, so good.

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