Thursday, July 23, 2020

And So It Continues

I just saw where there's a possible third new coronavirus coming on fast in China.  I'm not surprised, but I'm not fully convinced that it's the truth either.  With all that's going on in China, I'm not sure they can handle another crisis.

But neither can the United States where COVID-19 is still uncontrolled in most states.  

And this was also announced today: "The US on Thursday surpassed 4 million officially recorded Covid-19 cases -- and a quarter of that count came in just the last 15 days."  

At that rate, there will be another million recorded cases two weeks from now.  Or more...

We are just two individuals among the millions of Americans who are trying our best to stay as far away from people, places, and things that might expose us to the virus.  Or, that we unknowingly expose to others.  

My doctor visit today was just routine check-up but I very much appreciated the fact that every staff member was wearing their masks and repeatedly washing/cleaning their hands or equipment.  Yet they found a way to be professional and attentive to me, the patient.  

Even the waiting patients were wearing their masks and maintaining their distance.  There was no complaining at all.  That's an indication that we've accepted the fact that we all have to do what's right if we plan to survive this pandemic. 

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