Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Cardiologist Report

First, the bad news - "You (meaning me) could lose some weight." 

"And knock a few points off your (meaning me) cholesterol."

"And wear your compression stockings."  (Mine are full of runs and holes at the moment)

Next, his reply to my response to the question about my exercise program - "I would rather see you (meaning me) doing regular exercises instead of digging holes for planting huge trees."

On the other hand, "You (meaning me) are doing well.  No fluid problems in the legs and the heart is strong,"

But, "I (meaning my doctor) would like to run a couple of ultrasound tests just to make sure."

And just like that, it was over and we headed for home via a lunch stop at Saltgrass Steak House.  We both ordered salads.

Guess what's for dinner tonight... Nothing. 

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