Saturday, December 21, 2019

Moose Milk and Cookies Party

It has been a good year for us.  That's in spite of my having a quintuple heart bypass, replacement aorta valve and carotid artery cleaned out. 

Add to that my cataract surgery in January.  It ran into some complications in October.  I'm almost fixed from that little scare.

Add to that two squamous cell carcinomas (face and leg) that required surgery. 

Add to that a number of 'blood-lettings' due to accidental cuts and bumps.  The way I do things usually ends up causing some blood loss.  BandAids usually take care of it though.

As bad as it sounds, I still have all my teeth and I even got an 'attaboy' during my last dental visit.

Meanwhile, Judy and I decided to throw a Moose Milk and Cookies Party for our friends and neighbors here in Terra Mariae.  It was two days ago and turned out great.  Here's the link to the YouTube video I made of it:  Moose Milk and Cookies Party

Everything else is just staying busy doing retired stuff.

We'll be closing out this year and starting the new year healthy and with most projects finished.  We may be able to plant roses next year so we can stop and smell them every now and then.

Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year.

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