Friday, November 01, 2019

Remembering Our Sailboat Adventure

It was a rainy day and I had little to do.  So I took a nap.  During my nap I dreamed I was on my sailboat in Biscayne Bay in Miami back in 1975.  Only I was older.  I was 78, my current age, not the 33 I was then.  And I was oddly alone.

I would never think of going out sailing without my Sweetie.  Yet, there I was, an old man letting the gentle wind take me wherever it was going.

The dream was very real and I could even hear and feel the soft waves as the boat glided through them with easy grace.  She steered well.  I felt safe, and in control.

It felt wonderful...

Then I woke up.

Three hours later I was still thinking about that dream.  So I went to YouTube and watched the short video I made of the few photos we took 45 years ago.  Instantly, I was back on the boat, this time with my Judy and our neighbors, Joanne and Val.  I remember it was a fantastic day for sailing for novice sailors.

I'll probably think about that sailboat and that adventure a lot in the coming days.  And no, I won't be buying a sailboat to re-live the experience.  I don't have to - I can just dream about it or watch the video, and I'll be taken back to a time in our lives that was filled with adventure.  This was just one of them.

If you want to watch the video, here's the link:

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