Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Heart Bypass Surgery Postponed

Just the whole idea of having your body opened up and your heart stopped for a number of hours while arterial blockages are bypassed using veins and arteries harvested from other areas of your body sounds like some kind of futuristic medical intervention on board the Starship Enterprise somewhere out there in the cosmos.

But that is exactly what I was scheduled to have done today, May 7th, 2019 at little Lakeview Regional Hospital in Covington, Louisiana

However, just hours before I was to leave for the hospital, my Cardio-Surgeon called to ask if I would be willing to postpone my surgery so that someone with an urgent need for surgery could be treated. 

Of course I agreed to it.  After all, I feel pretty good, and apparently my situation is not nearly as urgent as the other patient.

Besides, as complicated as it all sounds, open-heart by-pass surgery has become a routine and very common form of treatment for blocked arteries, as evidenced by the number of friends and neighbors who stepped up to give their own accounts of their open heart surgeries.  I'm beginning to think that half the people who live in our little age-restricted community of Terra Mariae have had the surgery.

The worry and anxiety I may have had never materialized.  If anything, everything I heard and read told me that I would become a 'new man' within hours after the surgery.  My blood would flow freely again giving me energy and stamina, not to mention giving me a longer life.  For the first time in years I will be able to do things and go places without the worry, discomfort and sometimes pain of a stressed heart.

Except now I have to wait a few more days for what is nothing short of a miracle to make me whole again.

I can live with that - literally.

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