Sunday, June 16, 2024

Mid-Year Approaches

 It is hard to believe that today is the 167th day of the year.  Time flies when you are 83. And by "you" I mean me.  Heck!  I haven't gotten used to February yet, and June is already half over.  At this rate I may make 100 before I know it...  Or the undertaker.

I like to think I'm aging six months at a time.  My reasoning is that when I visit my doctors, they all say, "You're fine, come back in six months."  I take that to mean I can buy items that say "Use by ..... (six months away) and not be wasting my money.

With that said, some projects that needed doing, got done.  No, not by me but by friends who could see and knew how to apply their youth to do it.

The biggest task was the taking down of the Red Maple tree next to The Coop.  It was one of those impossible tasks for us but only a four-hour project for our 'working guests, Lora and Darian,'  We are already getting used to it being gone.  The same is true for the retainer wall, fill dirt, and sod that was made necessary by the tree.  Neighbor Colonel Scott not only designed and did much of the work, he also picked up the tab for it.  It too now looks like it has been there all along.

We're still mulling what to do with the new paved area behind the house.  A couple of comfortable chairs to sit and watch the deer and crows play in the big open field behind our house would be fun.  We're working on it.  It's too hot now.

Another exciting thing that I personally could do myself was to cook on the Mini Big Green Egg that our friends from Galveston gave us.  We had a Mini BGE in Texas but gave it up when we moved here.  I really missed it.  And so far, I've cooked on it multiple times.  I think the Mini Egg has magical powers.  Believe it or not, we now have four Big Green Eggs.

 Finally, we figured out how to turn our old cell phone (it no longer works as a phone) into a walky-talky for when I get lost in the store.  I don't carry a phone anymore.  But I do tend to wander off occasionally as I see something interesting and try to read what it does.  Within seconds, Sweetie is somewhere else and I'm holding something I want to add to the shopping cart.   The good thing is that the walky-talky app works using the store's free WiFi.  No cost to us whatsoever.  And since it is a private communication, I can hold down the speak button and ask, "WHERE YOU AT???"  Yes, it's acceptable English here...

We're both healthy and happy.  What more could we ask for?